Pilates exercises explained
Exercise description
Interlace hands behind head. The upper body goes into the "Curl Up". The legs are stretched vertically towards the ceiling.
On an exhalation, lower the legs from the hips as far as you can keep the pelvis neutral. Lift again on the inhalation. Keep the lower back and upper body stable. Hold the back of the head and hands with light pressure and counterpressure.
Legs can vary by going into "turn out" when sinking and returning to parallel position when lifting. However, it is important that the legs always strive towards each other.
Repeat 4 to 6 times.
Frequently asked questions
Can I leave the upper body on the floor?
Yes, this is also a variant to avoid tension in the neck.
Pro Tip From Maria
Imagine holding a thin object between your legs.
Consciously transfer the weight of your head into your hands and at the same time press your palms lightly against your head.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Lower and Lift
Most common errors
The lumbar spine lifts off the mat.
The shoulder girdle tenses up.
The air is held and the chin is pressed against the chest.
The movement is not guided from the hip joint, but from the pelvis.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
Keep movement small.