Pilates exercises explained
Kneeling Side Leg Lift
The Pilates exercise "Kneeling Side Leg Lift" trains our core muscles in a supporting side position. At the same time, muscles around our hip joint, gluteal muscles and inner as well as outer thighs are strengthened.
Preparatory exercises are those from the "Side Lying Series".
Exercise description
Via the kneeling position, we come to the floor sideways with our arms extended and active, supporting ourselves on the mat with the flat of the hand. The hand is just under the shoulder. The other hand rests on the back of the head with the elbow bent or extended toward the ceiling. The playing leg is in extension of the upper body. The foot position can be varied between point and flex. The supporting leg kneels vertically below the hip.
We lift from the hip joint the game leg 6 to 8 times high and low.
Breathing can also vary during this exercise.
Frequently asked questions
What to do for wrist pain?
Make a fist and rest on it.
What to do for pain in the knee?
Perform exercise while lying down.
What to do if you have a restricted hip?
Lift the leg only as far as the hip joint will allow without pain.
Pro Tip From Maria
Imagine you are between two panes of glass and don't want to dirty them. Your leg thus moves between these two panes in a controlled manner.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Kneeling Side Leg Lift
Most common errors
The basin tilts with it.
The weight shifts too much to the supporting arm.
Muscle groups
- Transversus
- Multifidus
- Obliquus internus
- Quadratus lumborum
- Diaphragm Pelvis
- Subscapularis
- Serratus
- Rhomboid
- Deltoid
- Trapezius
- Pectoralis Major
- Biceps & Triceps
- Glutaeus
- Abductors
- Adductors
- Ischiocrural
- Mat
- Difficult