Pilates exercises explained
The Saw
Pilates exercise "Saw" combines the twist, flexion and straightening of the spine. This promotes flexibility of the spine. It stretches the back fascia, and with elongated legs, the back muscle and fascia chains of the legs.
The exercise is usually used as a balancing movement after a long series in the prone position, such as "One Leg Kick", "Swan Prep" and "Swimming".
Exercise description
Upright sitting posture, if possible keep legs extended. The ischial tuberosities should be felt on the mat. Feet are in flex. Raise arms to sides and think long spine with inhalation.
With the exhalation rotate the spine in one direction, the arms go with it. Then continue to bend over the leg vertebra by vertebra. The little finger of the forehand pulls toward the little toe, the palm of the backhand points toward the body. Both arms pull apart. The gaze goes to the knee.
Inhale to straighten the spine in a twist and exhale to rotate the torso back to the center.
We repeat the same in the other direction.
Repeat exercise 3 to 5 times.
Frequently asked questions
What if the back of the leg hurts when moving?
Bend legs a little.
Pro Tip From Maria
Imagine an imaginary ball between your legs over which you bend far forward. This stretches your spine wide open.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise The Saw
Most common errors
One buttock detaches from the mat while bending forward.
The gaze goes forward, neck thus becomes short and tense.
The hand position and polarization are neglected.
No activation in the abdominal muscles; as a result, forward bending is usually performed in an uncontrolled manner and can lead to pain in the lumbar spine.
Movement is performed from the hip joint and not from the spine.