Pilates exercises explained
Teaser Prep
"Teaser Prep" is a preparatory exercise for the "Teaser". The challenge of this Pilates exercise is that we have to keep the legs in the air at a certain angle. This requires strength and control of the body center, as well as a flexible spine.
All exerciseswhich requires a roll up and roll down motion, will prepare you for this teaser variation.
Exercise description
In the supine position we bring the legs into table top. The arms are stretched behind the head. Inhaling we raise the arms above the head and stabilize. Chin comes slightly toward chest and we roll up vertebra by vertebra until weight balances slightly behind ischial tuberosities. Fingers first point towards the feet, then we pull them towards the ceiling and think long the spine.
Exhaling, we roll back to the starting position, vertebra by vertebra.
We repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.
Frequently asked questions
May I work a little with momentum?
No, this could be at the expense of the intervertebral discs or facet joints.
Pro Tip From Maria
Don't be surprised if the exercise doesn't work right away. Often this also has to do with your leverage, for example if your legs are very long or very muscular and therefore heavy.
Before you start to tear, rather take your hands under the back of your knees for the transition to help you roll up and down.
If we press the legs slightly together, this supports the Activation of the deep muscles.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Teaser Prep
Most common errors
Tearing movements.
The shoulders pull up to the ears.
The legs sink towards the floor during the roll-up.
It is worked through the lever and not through the powerhouse.
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As a newly retired person, I would like to start Pilates again.
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Friendly greetings
Wolfgang Redl
Good morning Wolfgang!
First of all, we would like to congratulate you for deciding to keep your body and mind fit and supple.
Unfortunately, we have not yet succeeded in convincing the health insurance companies to support online courses for users without a lot of bureaucracy.
But we'll stay tuned.
We hope you will still choose our course, because as we all know, the best money is invested in prevention.
With kind regards
your Pilatesclub Team