Pilates exercises explained
The "teaser" is the king exercise of Pilates. The challenge of this exercise is that we need to keep the legs in the air at a certain angle. Strength and stability from the center is required, as well as a flexible spine.
All exercises in which a rolling up and down movement is required, especially the "Teaser Prep", prepare you for the "teaser".
Exercise description
In the supine position we bring the legs into table top. The arms are stretched parallel next to the ears. On the exhalation, the legs are extended deep enough away from the body to maintain the neutral position.
With the inhalation we raise the arms to the ceiling and roll over the "Head Nod"up vertebra by vertebra. The weight is behind the ischial tuberosities. The hands reach to the feet and are then brought back to the ceiling in sync with the stretching of the spine.
With the exhalation we slowly roll back to the supine position, vertebra by vertebra. The legs are stretched away from the body.
We repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times maximum.
Frequently asked questions
Is it okay to go into the exercise with a little momentum?
Definitely no - this could be at the expense of the intervertebral discs or facet joints. We do not gain more strength from this.
Pro Tip From Maria
When you do the exercise "Teaser PrepIf you've mastered the "stretch" well and are still struggling with the extension of your legs, keep them slightly bent for the time being. Muscular legs in particular are more difficult to keep extended.
When the legs are lightly pressed together, this activates the deep muscles.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Teaser
Most common errors
Tearing when rolling up.
Hyperextension of the thoracic spine in the sitting position.
The legs are held too low, which causes you to fall into a hollow back.