Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise Swimming

Pilates exercises explained


This Pilates exercise strengthens the entire deep torso muscles, as well as the rear leg and buttock muscles and the shoulder girdle. Swimming promotes strength endurance of these muscle groups. It also mobilizes the shoulder and hip joints and activates the entire posterior fascial chain.

This intensive exercise prepares us for all complex exercises.

Exercise description

In the prone position, align the pelvis and spine neutrally and extend all 4 extremities slightly open apart. With an inhalation lengthen the spine, stretching from the top of the head to the tailbone from the feeling.

On the exhale, activate the center of the body and lift the arms, legs, head and chest slightly off the floor.

During inhalation move the arms and legs alternately up and down briefly and precisely 5x. The same during the exhalation.

Do up to a total of 20 repetitions.

Frequently asked questions

What to do when the shoulder locks?

Bend the arms and do not move them too far up.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

If you tend to have a strong hollow back, you can put a small cushion or rolled-up towel under your belly.

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Swimming

Most common errors

The arm and leg movements are not made from the shoulder and hip joints, but rather over the entire body. This can be noticed by the fact that the hull rocks.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

Do fewer repetitions. Keep the breathing rhythm shorter.

Graphic with the muscles that are trained in the Pilates exercise Swimming

  • Deep muscles
  • Surface musculature
Muscle groups
  • Transversus
  • Multifidus
  • Obliquus Internus
  • Diaphragm Pelvis
  • Deltoidues
  • Trapezius
  • Obliquus Externus
  • Ischiocrural
  • Glutaeus
  • Mat
  • Medium
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