Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise Swan Dive
Pilates - Feel the change
Pilates - Feel the change

Pilates exercises explained

Swan Dive

"Swan Dive" is a Pilates exercise that requires very good body tension. It strengthens the entire deep torso muscles, the rear leg and gluteal muscles and the shoulder girdle. In particular, it promotes dynamic stability of the spine. It also opens the hip joints and activates the entire posterior fascial chain.

Preparatory exercises are "Swan Dive Prep", "Breast Stroke 1 & Breast Stroke 2" and "Hip Extension".

Exercise description

In the prone position, straddle the legs slightly and rotate them slightly outward. Ensure good alignment of the spine and shoulder girdle.

1st round: With the inhalation press into a long "cobra", with the exhalation lower the upper body, at the same time pull the legs long and release them from the floor.

2nd round: Inhaling press back into a long "cobra", exhaling lift the arms off the mat. Dynamically dip over the abdomen and lift the legs in an arc.

Then repeat this 3 to 5 times, depending on the level.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

If you feel pressure in the lumbar spine, rotate your legs outward even more from the hip joint. This will relieve more pressure on the lumbar spine.

To avoid overloading the back, the muscles must be constantly active. You can do this best when you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Swan Dive

Most common errors

Loss of control during rocking.

Legs bend in the air - the tension in the legs is lost.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

Back to the Swan Dive Prep.

Graphic with the muscles that are trained during the Pilates exercise Swan Dive

  • Deep muscles
  • Surface musculature
Muscle groups
  • Transversus
  • Multifidus
  • Rhomboideus
  • Diaphragm Pelvis
  • Deltoid
  • Trapezius
  • Pectoralis Major
  • Rectus Spinae
  • Ischiocrural
  • Glutaeus
  • Mat
  • Medium
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