Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise Supine Spine Twist

Pilates exercises explained

Supine Spine Twist

The Pilates exercise "Supine Spine Twist" mobilizes the spine, activates the center of the body and provides optimal alignment of the spine.

The exercise prepares us for all other exercises that involve a twist in the spine and activate the oblique deep abdominal muscles.

Exercise description

In the supine position, with the legs closed, in Table Top. Arms extended away from the body at 90 degrees, we move the legs in one direction with the exhalation. The iliac crest is allowed to come off the mat.

With the inhalation bring the legs back to the center.

We can also vary with breathing in this exercise, going into the twist with the inhale and coming back to center with the exhale.

Switch to each side 3 to 4 times.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

If the arms countersteer somewhat, try to exert countersteering from the shoulder girdle to the back of the hand. In this way you prevent a punctual pressure and can counteract a tension.

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Supine Spine Twist

Most common errors

The twist is too big and you work more through your arm muscles than through your core.

The legs open, causing the pelvis to shift.

One cannot maintain the neutral position in the spine and thus falls into a hollow back.

The chest and shoulder blades detach from the mat.

Legs approach to the body.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

With Knee Sway and then increasingly often add the legs in Table Top.

Graphic with the muscles that are trained during the Pilates exercise Supine Spine Twist

  • Deep muscles
  • Surface musculature
Muscle groups
  • Transversus
  • Multifidus
  • Obliques internus
  • Diaphragm Pelvis
  • Iliopsoas
  • Pectoralis Major
  • Obliques externus
  • Latissimus
  • Rectus femoris
  • Mat
  • Medium
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