Pilates exercises explained
Spine Stretch Forward
This Pilates exercise stretches the muscles of the back, and if the legs are elongated, also the posterior chain of muscles of the legs.
"Spine Stretch Forward" is usually used as a balancing movement after a long series in the prone position, such as. One Leg Kick, Swan Prep, Swimming, etc.
Exercise description
If possible, sit in an upright long seat for this exercise. The legs are slightly straddled, pelvis neutral and spine in axial length. The ischial tuberosities can be felt on the mat.
With the inhalation, the spine is straightened as well as the arms are raised stretched in front of the body to shoulder height.
With the exhalation the thoracic spine is bent forward. The hands press against an imaginary sand, the lumbar spine remains upright. The deep and also the upper oblique abdominal muscles actively support this forward flexion.
With the inhalation we come back to an upright posture.
Repeat this exercise about 6 times.
Frequently asked questions
How far may I lean forward?
So far that you have the feeling that the buttocks are still resting snugly on the mat.
Pro Tip From Maria
Imagine leaning over a large ball as you move forward, allowing your spine to tighten up nicely.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Spine Stretch Forward
Most common errors
No activation in the abdominal muscles. As a result, forward bending is usually performed in an uncontrolled manner and can lead to pain in the lumbar spine.
Movement is performed from the hip joint and not from the spine.