Pilates exercises explained
Spinal rotation
The rotation (twist) in the spine stretches and lengthens the ligamentous and fascial structure of the spine. At the same time, the chest can open up. The mobility in the spine is promoted. The shoulder girdle becomes freer.
Exercise description
Place the legs over each other in a stable position. With the inhale, the arm rises upward. And with the exhale, the arm sinks backwards without the torso losing its neutral position. That is, we must not tilt into a hollow back in the position.
With the next inhalation, the arm goes back up and sinks forward to the starting position with the exhalation.
By repeating this exercise several times, we mobilize the thoracic spine on the one hand and also learn to hold ourselves in the neutral position in a rotational movement. Further, the intercostal muscles are activated so that we can breathe more freely.
We repeat the exercise 4 to 6 times per side.
Frequently asked questions
What to do when the shoulder hurts?
Shorten the lever by bending the arm and simply resting the fingertips on the shoulder girdle.
How can I tell that the rotary movement is going too far?
By not being able to keep the pelvis stable and also the upper leg detaching from the lower one.
Pro Tip From Maria
Follow your hand lead with your eyes. Let the movement come from the center of the body and make sure that the shoulder girdle is NOT leading.
Slide the top leg slightly in the opposite direction of the arm guide to create a counter-draw (polarize). Length, length, length.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Spinal Rotation
Most common errors
Movement comes from the shoulder girdle and not from the trunk.
Pelvis moves with.
Spine sags like a hammock.