Pilates exercises explained
Roll Over
With the Pilates exercise "Roll Over", we perform a roll-up movement starting from the tailbone to the thoracic spine. This stretches the back fascia chain and strengthens the abdominal, hip and back muscles.
The exercise "Roll Over Prep" prepares us for the "Roll Over".
Exercise description
In the supine position bring the legs into table top. Then straighten the legs and while exhaling let them sink closed in external rotation from the hip joint towards the mat.
With the inhalation bring the legs back parallel to the vertical and continue with the exhalation to release the spine from the mat, vertebra by vertebra, until the legs are stretched above the body.
With an inhalation, bring the feet into a flex position and open shoulder width.
Exhaling roll the spine again and stretch the legs vertically towards the ceiling. Here let them sink again in external rotation from the hip joint towards the mat. The hands may help slightly.
Repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.
Pro Tip From Maria
If the shoulders come off the mat and the neck stiffens, push the arms toward the pelvis and gently press into the floor with the hands. This supports the initial impulse to lift the pelvis off the mat. A cushion under the pelvis can also support the rolling up of the pelvis.
Complaints with the thyroid gland can lead to a feeling of tightness in the throat. This is usually not a cause for concern, but should be clarified with your trusted doctor.
If you can still lift your head off the mat in the "roll over" end position, this is a sign that the alignment is correct.
Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Roll Over
Most common errors
The exercise is performed with momentum.
Neck or head presses into the mat.
Weight on the neck.
The legs are straddled too much above the body.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
Roll Over Prep introduce for preparation.