Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise "Push Up Single Leg
Pilates - Feel the change
Pilates - Feel the change

Pilates exercises explained

Push Up Single Leg

"Push Up Single Leg" is a more advanced exercise from the "Push Up" and should only be done if the "Push Up" to 100% is mastered.

Lifting one leg requires even more whole-body stability. In addition to the arm, shoulder, chest and trunk muscles, the buttock muscles and the back of the thighs are also trained.

The posterior fascial chain is stretched on the one hand, but also strengthened. The demanding fascial chain is mainly activated in the support position.

Preparatory exercises are"Push Up Kneeling", "Push Up", "Elephant 1" and "Leg Pull Front".

Exercise description

Starting position is standing. Legs hip-width. With an inhalation, roll from the crown of the head to the tailbone. With the exhalation crawl into the plank.

In the Plank pull long and lift one leg stretched into the horizontal position.

Stabilize and continue with inhalation, controlled 3 times bit by bit lowering the torso towards the floor.

With the exhalation under once again stretch the arms. Either keep the leg suspended as you walk back or put it down again and walk with your hands to your feet.

On the inhalation, roll up again vertebra by vertebra.

Breathing can be varied during this exercise.

Repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

Frequently asked questions

What to do for pain in the lumbar spine?

It could be that either the pelvis is too low or the abdominal muscles are not active enough. Therefore, either lift the pelvis a little or consciously activate the abdominal muscles again and only then lift the leg.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

In order to avoid the shoulder blades from straining together during the push-up, imagine how between your shoulder blades a flat hand lies and this must not be clamped.

Consciously pulling yourself apart from crown to sole during the push-up position will automatically activate your deep stabilizing muscles.

Also, when you lift your leg, think about the length. And imagine a lift under your pelvis.

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Push Up Single Leg

Most common errors

Leg is lifted too far.

Graphic with the muscles that are trained during the Pilates exercise Push Up Single Leg

  • Deep muscles
  • Surface musculature
Muscle groups
  • Transversus
  • Multifidus
  • Obliquus internus
  • Serratus
  • Rhomboideus
  • Diaphragm Pelvis
  • Pectoralis Major
  • Biceps & Triceps
  • Deltoid
  • Obliquus Externus
  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Ischiocrural
  • Mat
  • Difficult
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