Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise Protraction - Retraction
Pilates - Feel the change
Pilates - Feel the change

Pilates exercises explained


Pilates exercise "Protraction-Retraction" organizes the shoulder girdle and activates the muscles between the shoulder blades. It establishes the connection from the shoulder girdle to the chest. This connection is important for all other exercises, which take place in the push-up.

Exercise description

In the quadruped stance we direct our attention between our shoulder blades and to the chest. With the exhalation we let the thoracic spine sink between our shoulder blades towards the floor in a controlled way and with the inhalation we push the thoracic spine back towards the ceiling. The head remains still and the rest of the spine does not move.

Frequently asked questions

What to do when the wrists hurt?

Open and double the mat and place the hands so that the angle to the forearm is slightly larger.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

When you consciously go into movement through breathing, you activate especially in the inhalation a very important respiratory muscle, the serratus anterior. All three parts of the muscle, together with the muscles between your shoulder blades (rhomboids), fix the shoulder blade to the rib cage.

Conclusion: Especially in this exercise, use your breathing consciously!

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Protraction - Retraction

Most common errors

The spine swings along.

Head hangs down or gaze goes forward.

Graphic with the muscles that are trained during the Pilates exercise Protraction Retraction

  • Deep muscles
  • Surface musculature
Muscle groups
  • Transversus
  • Multifidus
  • Rhomboids
  • Obliquus internus
  • Serratus
  • Diaphragm Pelvis
  • Pectoralis Major
  • Obliquus Externus
  • Deltoid
  • Rotator cuff
  • Mat
  • Light
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