Maria and Wolfgang doing the Pilates exercise Head Nods

Pilates exercises explained

Head Nods

The Pilates exercise "Head Nods" releases tension in the neck and cervical area and brings the head position into a natural position. It specifically addresses the first two cervical vertebrae and optimizes the alignment of these two important vertebrae. These have a decisive influence on the entire spine. Misalignments in this area have a negative effect on the entire statics of the spine.

This exercise also supports the alignment of the spine and is important for good posture.

Exercise description

Think of an axis through your ears. With the inhale, pull your neck lengthwise, the chin moving toward the sternum.

With the exhale, activate your center and move the head back to the starting position. The movement is very small.

We repeat the exercise 6 to 8 times.

Frequently asked questions

What to do in case of severe tension in the neck?

Exercise movement only until you get into the tension. Then linger there for a few breaths.

Picture of Maria, Pilates instructor

Pro Tip From Maria

Think of a brush on your nose and draw a straight line with it. Let go of your jaw muscles as well to avoid tension.

Perform this exercise again and again in everyday life. It has a preventive effect against neck tension, as well as headaches.

The exercise can also be performed while standing. Therefore, the imaginary ear axis is also important in the execution.

Video with the brief explanation of the Pilates exercise Head Nods

Most common errors

The head is stretched too far back, the cervical spine shortens.

Performed in a standing position, the head likes to fall forward and does not rotate around the ear axis.

The exercise is performed too quickly or with too much force. The rule here is that less is more.

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