Pilates Live
International Pilates Day 2022
08 May 2022, by Maria Felsner
On May 7, 2022 the International Pilates Day took place again. With it was this year for the first time the Pilatesclub.de with a free live training on YouTube.
We offered a program on three different topics:
-Workout - Stable torso, free hips [approx. 45 min]
-Workout - Pilates meets fascia [approx. 60 min]
-Mini Workout - Active lunch break with Pilates [approx. 35 min]
"Watch carefully! Follow the instructions carefully - to the last detail! Don't subordinate knowledge to speed - but build solid exercises based on Pilates."
You can check out our post on International Pilates Day here.
Workout - Stable torso, free hips
Workout for more mobility in the hip joint, stability in the trunk and flexibility in the body.
You will need a mat, a towel and a small pad.
[...suitable for Pilates beginners to Pilates instructors...]
Workout - Pilates meets fascia
Approximately 45 minutes of workout to participate in or just watch. We provide insight into how efficient exercises on multidimensional planes can make the fascia around the spine more resilient, i.e. more adaptable, more slippery and stronger in tension.
You will need a mat.
[...suitable for Pilates advanced to Pilates instructor...]
Mini Workout - Active Lunch Break
Small workout to lift the low after lunch, take tension out of your neck as well as hips and straighten your spine.
You will need a stool or chair without arm support and a mat.
[...suitable for everyone...]
Have fun watching and participating.
The aim of the International Pilates Day is to provide information, advice and support to interested people worldwide through lectures and taster sessions given by certified trainers and members of Pilates associations and clubs.
Maria, who is on the board of the Pilates Association Austria and runs her own Pilates school (ARGE Pilates West), feels it is important to communicate the Pilates concept to a broad public. Not only as an instructor and trainer, but also through her own training, she knows how effective this training method is.
This effective training method was developed by Joseph Hubertus "Joe° Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. He himself called his training concept "Contrology", which he defined as "complete coordination of the body, mind and spirit". Translated: "complete coordination of the body, mind and spirit".
Pilates is also excellent for gentle rehabilitation after injury or for back problems, as well as prevention of back pain.
You can find the list of all participating studios at...
Germany: pilates-association.org
Austria: pilates-association.at
International: pilatesday.org